The best thing about BrO'Conn is that I never have to preface my bitchy opinions and statements to him, and I don't feel judged in any way. Sometimes what you really need to snap out of it are some simply stated words from someone you trust to be brutally honest with you no matter what, such as all bffls should be, and the realization that you've got to be kidding me this is unbelievably not worth my time.
In other news, other news has made other other news no longer feel like a papercut that won't heal and more like when you crack your back after waking up in the morning and feel ridiculously refreshed. Like working kinks from your bones with a simple twist of your figure.
In wordly news: Obama's new chief of staff hates Palestine.
In Ohio news: Brendan: GET SOME knockonwoodtimesthree
In PA news that pertains to me: re-finding my motivation. holding audtions for short film (fifteen-twenty minutes of complete awesome) after 365 is over. Got cast as Juliet, Tybalt, and Balthasar in Romeo and Juliet next semester, excited because it means I kill myself over Romeo, am killed by Romeo, and am kind of the cause of Romeo's death.
In Weather news: Sure is cold out.
In wishthisexisted news: This school needs more skateboarders and skaters.
In thingstoworkon news: Expansion.
In thingstolookforwardto news: Thanksgiving break in two weeks and a day which means brrrrrendan in less than that and WINTER BREAK shortly after. Sigh. Yis. Spring term holds many goode things.
Of Rest for the Weary
Superhero conversations
that lead to books I've read and
movies you've watched and I've watched and
I've loved and you've hated and
snarky responses but really we
just want to love each other alot
beneath the sesame street
we got
from the box in my closet.
It's got the alphabet on it so to pass time
between kissing i mean
we have backwards saying contests.
It's difficult to fall asleep with her in the bed,
but not because he's nervous like usual,
there's just so much to say.
We'll sleep when we're dead.
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