Big Fish is this story about a guy who knows what he wants to do and does it. All of it.
Things That Are Ill
-Hello Saferide
-Writing poetry and performing it
-Meeting Adriel Luis
-Recognizing when things aren't right
-Righting them
-Telling the truth to yourself
-Brendan as a bffl
-Meeting new people, expanding
Things That Are Not Ill
-Not knowing where my Egypt necklace is (plus the mdw ntr on it and the ring liv got me in Bolivia)
-Recognizing when things aren't right and then righting them but wishing that you hadn't even though you know it's right
-Telling the truth to yourself
-Having miles to go before you sleep
-Lying to yourself
-Not having enough Ella Fitzgerald to listen to
-Falling into old habits and not realizing it until it's already happened
-Feeling like I'm a Realist was written just for you
-Emo blog posts

Did I show that Tupac thing to you? Because it's my background right now.
Telling the truth to yourself is neither ill nor not-ill. It's simply what you have to do. Isn't that one of the conclusions Malcolm came to at the end of his Autobiography?
you did.
a rereading of the autobiography seems most appropriate about now. left my well-marked hiebs copy at home though.
i'd like to make a list of those things that are neither ill nor not ill merely things one must do. i feel most grounded with those.
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