In other delicious news: Brendan is just as badass as before. Bri and Sha are still together (knockonwoodthreetimes). Break starts tomorrow soon as Theatre's over at 4. 365 was goode. I'm attempting to work out this Swarthmore money business because I think I'd like to stay. Things are better with salamander the second time around, ridiculously so. Kanye is a sick beat maker and rapper but 808s & Heartbreaks let me down, even though I think it's the truest thing he's done since Through the Wire or his verse in This Way or on Def Poetry in Bittersweet.
I've been Rory Gilmoreing all my work and whatnot, but it's mostly been in a catching up kind of way in preperation for taking a deep breath, getting ahead over the break, and coming back to Rory Gilmore everything til the term is over.
I HAVE to film something when we're back from break because I'm gonna need to keep myself busy over winter break and I wanna get at least as familiar with Vegas as I am with Adobe dig?
MORE LATER. for now: paper writing (meaning procrastinating til 2:45 by youtubing slam poetry THEN finishing the paper)
The intro to Bitter Sweet is way better than Bitter Sweet itself.
LIES. do you see how emotional he gets about it?
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