And I reread The Missing Piece today and thought about how that just might be in the top ten most terrible things you can feel. As if a piece of you is missing, like you're not whole. I used to think that people claiming that everyone's got a soul mate who completes them was a reasonable idea, but eventually you figure out that it's been years since Hedwig's The Origin of Love took place, we've the capacity to complete ourselves. Everyone else adds on.
Think of it as if we're all white dwarf stars in the sky. There's a chance that we're part of a binary or even a tertiary star system and that our gravity is affecting them, and our orbits are so close that the giant star we're in this celestial tango with gives some of its own mass to this white dwarf form. That's great, but the point is, since it's one AM thus making it completely okay to make ridiculous analogies, the white dwarf is a white dwarf even without the added mass from the giant star. Other people don't complete you, they supplement the whole. Which is just as important! Don't get me wrong! After all, if we never had giant stars giving mass to white dwarfs then we'd never have novae and novae are the coolest second only to supernovae (supernovae are the people who live their lives to make the world a better place) and nebulae (which is of course the goode that the supernovae leave the world with). So be a white dwarf, but be a nova too.
(helix nebula)
If Astronomy was all about applying stuff we learn to different analogous situations then I'd ace this biz.
Remind me to tell you about the Hubble Ultra Deep Space Photograph.
That's great news. I'm glad to hear it. I've been having a particularly shitty time here for the last week or so, but I came to a similar [I guess... maybe] realization that even though I'm not quite happy here [right now, for reasons that don't have to do with Swat], I wouldn't be any happier anywhere else, and I wouldn't feel as comfortable being a little off anywhere else either.
I should write that in my admissions blog.
< /sarcasm>
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