And I know that if I don't want to continue at Swatmo' after this year then I'm not gonna look into going to Lincoln or another smallliberalartscollege, because all I want to do is make movies, write stuff, learn about other people's histories and discuss the present with those who are in it, and I can do that for a lot less money by taking classes around Philly and working at the library or something like that.
Oh man, I'm watching Spiderman right now and Peter Parker TOTALLY just let the guy who he thinks kills his Uncle go. So sad.
Anyways, but I'm sure that this is mostly just the I-really-friggin-am-not-into-my-selection-of-courses-for-the-semester blues and that things will be on the rise, particularly since I'm a huge fan of the socialstuff at the school and there's all this business I wanna do (ok, Peter Parker is crying because Uncle Ben just died and I never realized how terrible T. McGuire looks with a fake cry).
K, I'm over it. That was only a small part of my oomph moment tonight.
THE LARGER PART came from checkin out Phil's blog for his clothing line. go there now. Show some love. So the kid's at art school because he's hella goode at designing stuff to the point where he's got his own clothing line and it's gotten big enough for Pharrell to be in a picture with someone wearing it. Phil's basically been doin his own thing since high school and I respect that.
I have an unwaveringly high amount of respect for people who wear things, think things, read things, say things, for the reason that it grooves most spectacularly with the rhythms of their own soul. People who not only march to the beat of their own drum but have called up an entire friggin New Orleans band to accompany said drum.
And you can always tell the difference between someone who dresses the way that they do because of a certain style that's in and someone who does it because it's them. People who are consistently themselves have this look in their eye and a certain swag to their walk that doesn't necessarily mean a higher level of happiness, but more so that that person has something in them that they're sure of, something large that rests in the center of their soul. Something that no one can touch unless that person decides to let them do so. And that's beautiful and it's brave and it's what I look for in the people I choose to keep close.
(everyone who's read the ender series knows he's right)
Peter's fake crying again. It just doesn't get better.I want to go to bed, but my deep love for superhero movies is physically preventing me from turning off the television which probably means I'll doze off to the sounds of the Green Goblin dying and wake up to somethin hella creepster like Pee-Wee's playhouse or the Teletubbies or a talk show. Once I woke up to QVC and I just didn't understand how or why. That messed up my whole day..
Shooting a short this weekend, nothing too plot heavy but also not a friggin compilation of footage set to some indie pop song. Starring the Poe children (some of em, whichever are at the house), Jennifer (if she's around) and Yugioh the Cat. I haven't told the bros about this yet, but I'm hoping to plead sadness and get some free actors.
Mitch Hedberg was hilarious.
Also, have been trying this doing things differently in life thing since a conversation I had with Tarit yesterday and it's working out quite nicely. I don't regret what I wasn't sure about a few days ago. You know you know no big you know, haven't been in a wouldacouldashoulda mood in a long time.
1) have you seen Pootie Tang?
2) I'm sure we've discussed before, but I can't remember your answer. have you seen The Warriors?
I miss you, Tayarisha Poe.
seen em both, whyso?
miss you too teens
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