Election Day is like Christmas, but there's still the chance of waking up with coal in your stocking and somebody burned down your tree and the mafia shot your little brother in the shoulder as he was doing a line of coke off of a hooker in your parent's bathroom while Rudolph lies dead in your fireplace. So it could go well, but then of course it could not.
Either way I plan to not do work on the 4th and simply fret about Taking Back the American Dream. Yong Jun mentioned last night how disgusting it is that our generation now has its own perverse form of hatred, that prejudice that is and will be held against the entire Islamic world. And it's ridiculous how it's going to take all of us dying and our kids growing up to get rid of that, but undoubtedly another group will be subject to extreme prejudice. I'm wondering though if maybe that's just the way that any society must structure itself. Can a rational mind with a group mentality (even though I know that's a contradiction right there) stand the idea of total and complete equality? If it's not the Muslims its the Jews or the Browns or the Poor or the Liberals or the Conservatives or the Blondes the Hobbits the Orcs the Muggles. There's always been something or someone.
Have been listening to Kimya Dawson radio on Pandora since last night. Speaking of last night, I didn't start my astronomy problem set until about 10.30 PM and finished it around 2:30AM, so at about 2.45 I borrowed Corin's bike to ride over to the science center.
It was cold and quiet all across campus and the air had that quality of briskness that makes everything clearer than it can be in the daytime. Perhaps because the only thing I heard besides the bike wheel rolling over partially crunchy leaves was the rustling of the wind through the still-not-bare trees and the late-night freight train passing through the Swarthmore train station. I've missed freight trains. There's one that passes by at random hours of the late night-early morning near my house in Lincoln and it makes you wonder if the cars still hold weary travelers or if the only ones aboard are the conducter and some coal. When I was seven I took the change that I'd saved up, tied it up in a handkerchief and attached it to the end of a stick. Threw it over my left shoulder and declared that I was running away. Then it was time for dinner though, so I stayed, but you'd better believe that had dinner not smelled so delicious that night I would be on those freight trains and Rives would've written Hobo with me in mind.
When you know what you want to do in life, from something as miniscule as knowing that you want to eat cheese fries instead of a salad for dinner tonight to knowing that you want to make movies for the rest of your time on earth, you should do it. Always.
And Do The November Project

1 comment:
Societies define themselves through the creation of an Other; however, I'm not sure that our generation is necessarily wracked with an anti-Muslim prejudice.
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