Monday, October 27, 2008

this is a filler post meant to pass the time as i wonder why i'm not asleep

My favorite thing is when I've had a song but never listen to it and then I do and it's perfect.

You've gotta learn to live nearsighted in one eye and far in the other. Can't waste time not doing what's goode for the soul. Life is both too short and too long for that, it wouldn't make any sense. You'd be trying to do the right thing but only end up murdering time.

"To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kinda scary. I've wondered where this started, and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus and a clown killed my dad."

Anyways, the song is "Sing you a love you song" by Of Montreal:

Before the laughter and the cheer dissolves into his memory, taste of vodka on his lips, and thoughts of murder and doom, her eyes appeared to bloom, he wanted to touch them but was afraid she taken aback then what would he say?

They walked to the garden in the park when it was empty after dark then spread out a blanket and laid down and a voice said, "No one else could hear." He whispered in her ear, "Although I can't sing it now, be still..some day baby I will.. sing you a love you song."

She rolled over and a kiss laid softly on his chin and said, "You know maybe there's a chance that your feelings you've mistook or have presently overlooked... You say you don't love me, but yet perhaps you just forget that you do."

He said that, "I love you please believe the only matter of concern is that your love will one day fade. If that should happen I would die, and that's the reason why I know I can't sing it now but be still cos some day baby I will sing you a love you song...."

She said, "How could you question when the root of my affection is so plain and obvious? It grew from the overwhelming pleasure of just being near you and now bring in doubts and they are smothering our love!"


I'm going into Philly shortly, for the day, and woke up this morning elated and for some reason particularly excited to fix things. Looked outside at the torrential downpour and trees, gusty from the gales of wind, wasn't fazed, and am actually looking forward to Philly in the rain as I like it just as much as Philly in the spring.

I've been thinking about taking back the American Dream, only because Brendan mentioned it in passing and I think it's doable but I've a train to catch, so more on that later.

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