Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I bet I'll be better about writing in this blog than I am about my film blog for class that gets graded.

It's one thirty in the morning and I started a blog because Mayte told me to.

Really, that's why.

And sure, also I've been considering starting one since Tarit is convinced that writing one together for the admissions site would be hella nice, and I am down with any reasons to procrastinate during pass fail, and I really hate astronomy pro--

Okay, before this blog becomes something I hate and use to be ver. ver. annoying on, I should make rules or something:
  1. One sentence of noise about homework or tests or other things of that like allowed per post only. No more, less if less is called for. It's a scientifically proven fact that complaining about things makes them 3.5642 parasecs worse. Think that makes sense? Well you're wrong, because a parasec is a measurement of distance. Suck on that for a second.
Swarthmore. Swarthmore is Swarthmore, an elite small liberal arts college full of people who want to be here and people who aren't sure they ever liked it here. It's every other small liberal arts college in the country, and I've been here for a bit more than a month.

I've met cool people. I'm met whack people. I've met people I want to silmultaneously laude and punch.

I gave up some things to be here with the hope that I'd gain something more. It's only been a month. We'll see how it goes.

I can't decide on many things these days, but I have yet to decide whether or not that's a problem.

In Other News:
-Considered making Kool-Aid today. Decided against.
-Will make Kool-Aid tomorrow.
-Haven't been writing enough.
-Haven't been making movies.
-Have been spur-of-the-momenting things.
-Considering hair dye on Friday.
-Have decided on hair dye Friday eve.

I need sleep.

Next Post:

Flavor of the Kool-Aid.
Oort Cloud: exists? No.

It's still art to me.
A kind of wishful thinking.
Must keep on wishing.

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